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European School Education Platform


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Projects (150434)

This eTwinning project aims to connect students from Italy and Poland to explore, reenact, and bring to life famous historical events from their respective countries. Through collaborative learning...

The motivation of our project starts from that VR is a technology that is going to be more and more present in our society. It is, to some extent, already a fact through more basic experiences such...

This eTwinning project is designed vertically for primary school students from 1st to 5th grade, aged 6-11, who study English as a foreign language in European countries and has animals and all STEAM...

Roald Dahl was a prolific British children stories writer. Among all of them, there are many characters our students may know as Willy Wonka or Matilda and many others they may not like Mr. Fox...

The GDPrApp project is about teaching students to care more about their personal data, the importance to respect GDPR rules. They will be part of a Ka220 Erasmus project whose aim is to create a...

The project has been inspired by teachers and pupils from Lithuania and Serbia. This project aims to foster cultural awareness among primary school pupils by exploring traditional holidays across...

‘Teddy goes sporty’ is a collaborative project that brings together students, teachers and schools from different countries with the aim of creating an understanding of the importance of physical and...

Wir schicken uns selbstgebastelte Weihnachtskarten, 1 Karte / Brief pro TeilnehmerIn / Klasse pr Post …also analog. Und evt andere freiwillige, lustige, weihnachtliche Aufgaben machen wir digital in...