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European School Education Platform

Think, Recycle, Upcycle

This project will focus on promoting a sustainable lifestyle through upcycling and creative recycling. In this project teachers and their students will collaborate online in various activities exchanging ideas and materials. The project plan will be done in agreement with all the partners in a common goal to enhance collaboration between the school and parents, embrace diversity, integrate digital technology into teaching and develop the student’s media skills and creativity, raise awareness about recycling.



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Greetings from Turkey


Hello Everyone, 


We are keen on working on the project with all of you. We will do our best to make the project so effective.


Happy e-twinning :)

Greetings from Spain!

Hello everyone!

I’m really glad to participate in this project. I just have the problem of school validation. The school where I’m working now is not yet validated. We did our registration some weeks ago, but new platform is being so slow. I’m registered with my former school, I hope this is not a problem and it’s solved soon.



Hello from Cyprus


Hey everyone! Can’t wait to work with you all! How about we make a Viber or WhatsApp group so we can communicate?

Greetings from Kavala

Hello everyone! We are really happy that we are going to work all together on this really interesting project!