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European School Education Platform

Soci@l Revolution

The project aims to develop different actions based on service learning. An educational proposal that will promote the visualization of situations, their analysis and proposals for improvement on the real needs of our immediate environment in order to improve it. This type of learning will be supported by various methodological approaches where STEAM education will play an essential role.



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Greece 1st junior high school of Markopoulo, Athens


Students from CEIP Ciudad de Ceuta, Spain, went to visit users from "full inclusion association". Kids gave them  the constellation game as a present.  They introduced themselves and they explained them that the constellation game is a collaborative game made with love for them. It has been a worderful afternoon full of smiles and thanks. 

I must thank the collaboration of families. 

Click the image to enlarge it. 

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The association also disseminated the event on facebook.

Some days later, persons from "Full inclusion association" sent us some pictures  of them playing constellation game. They love playing this game and they thank us for giving them the game.