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European School Education Platform

Our Story-Our History

Students between the ages of 8 and 16 will study the history, traditions, legends, traditional costume, national days, historical personalities from the countries involved in the project. Divided into groups, they will broaden their knowledge about the history, traditions, legends, traditional costume, national days, historical personalities from the countries involved in the project and they will make collaborative e-books, one on Our Story-Our History and the other on People and Places of Legend. The students will cultivate and care for history and tradition, will celebrate National Day, sing the national anthem or make a video with activities related to the celebration of National Days, at home or at school, and videos made will be collected in a common e-book, entitled: We Celebrate our National Days Together! and in a Wakelet collection 9 May: Europe Day-ETwinning Day Finally, the students will create an art gallery entitled The Traditional Costume of our Countries.



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Dear partners, we shared our work throughout the last school year, now it's reaping time, it's time to share our joy. "OUR STORY-OUR HISTORY" was a stupendous project for whose success my students and I thank each and every of you! Our special thanks go to our indefatigable project coordinator, Corina Voicu, who constantly kept us together on the way to success! ​​​​​​​

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Quality certificates reward our work with a wonderful team! History is the most beatiful story when you go to battle with a beatiful, brave people who do not back down, regardless of the obstacles encountered!

Thank you, dear Corina, for everything!

My little sailors and I, their captain, are grateful to you and promise to work Harmony again this year!!!!!

A sails up!!!

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