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Oceans cover 72% of the Earth, so they are the largest ecosystem on the planet. Without them, life wouldn’t exist. Home to a great diversity of marine life and an important source of food, they regulate the Earth’s temperature. But they are also a beautiful natural environment, providing well-being to humans. As marine biologist Wallace Nichols described, the sea is “a trigger telling your brain you’re in the right place”. But climate change, pollution, plastics and overfishing make it extremely vulnerable. We will reflect on its threats and talk to and learn from people who work to protect and conserve the oceans. We count on CORI (Cartagena Oceanographic Research Institute), a non- profit organisation which will help us actively in the development of the project. Our aim is to learn about the ocean condition and threats and contribute to raise awareness about Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Life below Water):“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources"



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And we also want to thank our collaborators, whose contribution has enriched the project. Thanks to all of them!

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Here a collage of goodbye pictures. It has been a pleasure to work with you all!

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Thank you from IES Felipe II in Mazarrón. We're saying goodbye, but all students have worked hard and we've had a fantastic experience working with you!

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The 2C OSA students thank all participants for this fantastic experience. The Oceans project was presented as an elaborate to demonstrate the competences achieved in the different cultural axes.

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The 2A OSA students thank all participants for this fantastic experience. The Oceans project was presented as an elaborate to demonstrate the competences achieved in the different cultural axes.

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The students of the "Vittorini institute, Messina"thank and hug all those who have participated in this wonderful adventure . 

We will be always ready to sail new seas! 

Thank you to everyone! 

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Even if our students say goodbye to our project, its main ideas remain within them. We need to protect our Oceans!

Thank you all for the amazing experience! 

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Today, we watched Oceans' final video, "A journey to the Ocean". It is a pity that the project is ending, but we get the feeling that we've done a great job together.

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The headmaster of IES Felipe II, giving the certificate to the winners of the contest of marine animals organized by Oceans at our school.

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