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My Little Big World



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Happy World eTwinning Day

Here is the collaboration Logo

Quality Label

I would like to thank our dear founders Charmaine Attard and Nurten Özel and all our valuable teachers and students who supported us during the project process in awarding our project with the quality label. You are great, friends, hoping to be together again in beautiful projects.


Quality Label
Quality Label

Project Teacher Evaluation Survey

Dear project partners, it is very valuable to evaluate our project and express your opinions. You can access the survey by clicking the link. Thank you in advance for your contributions. 


Experimenting Experts

Voting is closed. A big thank you and round of applause goes to all teachers and students for participating in this competition. All experiments were very interesting so much so that all students alike wanted to try all the experiments. These were the top 3 experiments:


1. Magic Paint with 17 votes

2. Coagulation of water with 10 votes

3. Dance of colours with 8 votes


Well done everybody!

Anyone up for a quick hello?

Is anyone available for a fun quick hello on the 22nd Dec 2023? If so here is the link to which you can join in on MS TEAMS and say hello to eachother via video call. No need for formality just a hello and a small drop in.



You're invited to Live CALL GREETINGS 

Fri Dec 22, 2023

10:00—10:30 (GMT+01:00)

Tap on the link or paste it in a browser to join

December Student Collaborative Video Study

Sevgili Dostlar, "Yeni Yıl Mesajları" konulu ortak video çalışmamızın linki aşağıdadır. Aralık için. Dilediğiniz şablonu seçip videonuzu yükleyebilirsiniz. Yeni yılın hepimize mutluluk getirmesini diliyor, harika videolarınızı sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum.

Live-Call 10-11-23

 Thank you everyone for our first successful student collaboration! We enjoyed meeting you online

Live Call

Final Work Plan

Here is the Work Plan everyone! THANK YOU for taking time into being active during the pre-planning surveys! For more about the analyses process you can visit the Pre-planning pages
