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European School Education Platform
We all are merchants of stories.

Merchants of Stories

“Once upon a time ...” stories usually begin like this, to tell us something, to give us some messages, some worlds to imagine or experiences for us to live. Stories like games prepare for life, they make us grow by arousing deep emotions during the narration of fantastic or real adventures, explored from a distance in total safety. This project will enhance listening to stories narrated by the students who will transform themselves into storytellers and will carry their stories around using the Japanese storytelling technique “Kamishibai” or itinerant paper theatre. Students will be introduced to and become familiar with the Kamishibai technique by watching instructional videos and listening to sample stories. Subsequently, they will build their “Butai” or wooden folder/case, halfway between theater and book, which will be used for the theatrical reading of their stories. If it is fascinating to listen to stories, it becomes even more so to create new ones, building story plots that will be the result of the imagination and creativity of our students. The storytelling and story-making activities will be done collaboratively in mixed country teams using shared game-based creative writing techniques. The products will be documented by digital tools and disseminated through exhibitions within the partner schools. A “Kamishibai Storytelling Day” at the partner schools aimed at students, teachers, parents, and principals will conclude and disseminate the project work. The project aims to develop active citizenship, multilingual, digital, technological, social, and entrepreneurial skills. The path will be cross-curricular favouring STEAM disciplines.        



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