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European School Education Platform

Getting to know glass



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Dear partners of the eTwinning project " Getting to know glass",

I got some great news today. Our project was awarded.
Thank you all for your cooperation and friendship.
It was a pleasure working with you.



April activities

1. Glass and the environment (sorting, damage to animals, forest fires, etc.).

2. International Mother Earth Day (April 22).

March activities

The game is one of the elements of cultural heritage.

  1. Glass and IKT.

Project partners create 1-2 games using IT tools, play games of other project partners and share experiences. (Projekto partneriai IT priemonėmis sukuria 1-2 žaidimus, žaidžia kitų projekto partnerių žaidimus ir dalinasi patirtimis.)

  1. Glass and the favorite game of childrens.Stiklas ir mėgstamiausias vaikų žaidimas.

Project partners play, film, upload the game with a description. Students learn to play the games of project partners and share their experiences. (Projekto partneriai žaidžia, filmuoja, įkelia žaidimą su aprašymu. Mokiniai mokosi žaisti projekto partnerių žaidimus ir dalijasi patirtimis.)

Activities for February:


• Glass in art (painting on glass or glass decoration)

• The exhibition in the institutions of the project partners and in the electronic space.


• Common work of the project partners: creation of " The Glass Tale" and ,,Book of dreams".

January activities

  1. To show one or two chosen glass characteristics through an experiment (Teamwork). Project partners can choose one or two characteristics, note them in the page for December, experiment with the children and show the chosen glass characteristics. We will create an e-book to showcase glass characteristics.
  2. Acrostic poetry. We are creating a poem about glass from the name of the project using the acrostic method of letters. Choose 2-3 letters.
  3. Continuation of the November activity "Glass and Music".            "Who will play our composition?". Project partners create a piece of music and "write" it using a code from colored cards. Other project partners reproduce the code and play the piece.

The platform is already active. I expect a responsible approach to project activities. Good luck. Regards, Rita.