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European School Education Platform

eTwinning online course “Planning and implementing an International eTwinning project in Preschool”



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My favourite letters


Hello everybody!


I'm interested in an eTwinning project like "My favourite letters". You know, kids choose a letter from the alphabet and have to paint or take a picture of different things, animals, objects... that start with that letter.


This idea is quite good as it fits different levels of knowledge: kids that recognize letters can read the letter, and those who still don't read just need to recognize the sound of the letter. So, this project attends to diversity.

The main goal is to develop a picture book, or a lapbook of letters. Some kind of picture dictionary. It could also be interesting to know the difference between countries, cultures, nature... considering the pictures taken or the paintings developed.


Students can take pictures, so ICT is included, but they can also make their own drawings in different materials. Both ways guarantee manipulative skills. And it's really inclusive! Not to mention that it also improves the pleasure for reading and prepares children for primary education.


Please let me know if you are interested in the development of this project with me!


You can find the project in row 18 of the document:




And please, excuse my English.

Cristina Mantecón Contreras (CEIP San Fernando, school)

Hi! I am currently working in two project about science and I would like to meet people interested in arts project. 

Si me dejas, se apunto

Hola César,

esta nueva plataforma me trae por el camino de la amargura...

Me gusta muchísimo tu idea de proyecto. Sé que no estoy en tu grupo, pero, si a tí no te importa, se sumaría con gusto.

Doy clase a un grupete muy majo de 5 años, y estamos con la lectoescritura, pero despacito y más con juegos, asociaciones, o, como dices tú, buscando palabras que lleven las letras, etc., vamos, dando significatividad al uso de las letras y las palabras.

Te he solicitado contacto, ya me cuentas lo que sea, ¿vale?

Desde Badajoz, yo a tope !!!

Link for the meeting

Hello friends!

I,m looking for the link of the first meeting today and I can,t find it. Please, Could you share the link to access to the meeting here or in the meeting page? Thank you.



About myself

Hello everyone,

I am Estefanía from the north of Spain. I work in a rural schools as an Educathional psychologist with children from 3 to 8 years old.

I would like to involve my school in projects about environment, nature, inclussion, diversity, costumes... There area lot of ideas in my mind.

Looking forward to the first online meeting.

