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European School Education Platform

Catarsis. Shall we make a short film?

FINAL TASK: short film. + It can be set in any period of history (including the present time). + There must be multiple geographic locations that correspond to different places in the world. + Roles: * Film directors * Cameras * Scriptwriter * Producers * Actors * Make-up artists - Distribution of roles: inspired by the Johari Window technique. Each student proposes the role with which he or she identifies the most (main role) and the rest of the students propose the role they think this person will be good at (secondary role). - Subjects involved: + Any languaje + Music + Geography and History + Graphic and Plastic Arts + Biology - Necessary material: + Mobile devices to record + Microphones + Make-up, props and wardrobe + Green screen (optional) - Digital applications: + Video editor + Storyboard editor (optional) + Touchcast (optional) + GarageBand



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The weather is very beautiful and we are happy to spend some time in the nature.  It`s time for cleaning activities.

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On April 2, all mankind celebrates International Children's Book Day. We celebrated it, too.

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April 1st is the International Day of Birds. Birds contribute to climate stability, oxygenate the air, turn pollutants into nutrients and because they are at the top of the food chain, they are a true indicator of the general state of biodiversity. If they start to disappear, the environment is in danger and we need to act.


Melting snow from winter helps vegetation to begin to grow. In spring nature gives us the reason to wander. Look around and count the good things we can do for the environment!

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Romanian students have had a discussion, an exchange of ideas about the project this week. One of the students offered to be the scripwriter because she is good at writing and she told us she had enjoyed doing this job. The scriptwriter has prepared the script and the students have talked about it. They were excited about the script. All the talking was done in English.


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Hi, I have just created a subpage so that teachers who have participated in the design of a logo agaisnt climate change can upload their pupils designs.