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Autumn Flowers



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Anca Ioana Ene- Liceul Vocațional de Muzică ”T. Ciortea” Brașov, România


drawing autumn flowers

Anca Ene

Anca Ioana Ene- Liceul Vocațional de Muzică ”T. Ciortea” Brașov, România


coloring and drawing autumn flowers


Anca Ene

Natalia Olefirenko_ Abazivka school_Ukraine

We had an unusual computer science lesson this week: we combined the topic "Collaboration on the Internet" with the task of the eTwinning project "Autumn flowers". At home, the children took pictures of the flowers growing in the flower beds, and already in the classroom they created collages. The result of the work is a joint online exhibition. 


Eleni Papapanagiotou - 1st Primary School Nikos Skalkotas, Chalkida, GREECE

Eleni Pap

Science Lab Worksheets

Eleni Papapanagiotou - 1st Primary School Nikos Skalkotas, Chalkida, GREECE

Eleni Pap

Autumn Flowers Scavenger Hunt

Eleni Papapanagiotou - 1st Primary School Nikos Skalkotas, Chalkida, GREECE

Introduction to Autumn Flowers and Research Autumn flowers and research.

Hasan Igde, Fatih PS-Class 2/C, Kayseri, Turkiye

Autumn flowers blooming in the water.