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European School Education Platform
eTwinning validated

Nusreta Murtič

Hello to all! My name is Nusreta Murtic. I teach German as a foreign language in elementary school and would like to find partner schools for different projects. Above all, I want to give my students the opportunity to improve German knowledge, to meet interesting people from all over the world, and to test the language skills acquired in class right in practice. We (me and my students) are looking forward to working with you! :) Ich bin DaF-Lehrerin und möchte meinen Schülern die Möglichkeit geben, zu wachsen und ihre Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Я учительница русского языка как иностранного из Хорватии. Я со своими учениками с удовольствием поучаствовали в вашем проекте.
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Organisations (1)

eTwinning validated
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  • Interested in subject:
    Foreign Languages