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European School Education Platform

eTwinning Project: eTw-T-R-A-I-N

EU-funded Teaching materials

eTwinning Project: eTw-T-R-A-I-N

A prize-winning eTwinning project for students aged 16-19 years. The project sends students on a virtual train journey around Europe to develop their communication, ICT and citizenship competences.
etw train

This eTwinning project aims to bring students together so that they can practise their communication and ICT skills, and develop the attitude that is described by the project title: T-Tolerance, R-Respect, A-Action, I-Innovation, N-Netizens. The project won the 2022 European prize for eTwinning projects for pupils aged 16-19 years.


In this project, students go on a virtual railway journey. The participants catch an eTw-TRAIN and virtually travel around Europe visiting partner countries. The students, sitting in different compartments of the train, work together in international teams. While travelling, they create a travel diary and take part in various challenges with the aim to raise awareness about such topics as sustainable tourism, eSafety, culture, slow fashion, the circular economy and STEAM.


  • Age group: 16-19
  • ISCED Level: 3
  • Key Competences: Citizenship; Cultural awareness and expression; Digital; Mathematics, science, technology and engineering; Personal, social and learning to learn
  • Subjects:  Media Literacy, Citizenship, STEAM, eSafety, Economics, Tourism
  • Published by: eTwinning
  • Year: 2022
  • Languages available: English
  • Link:

Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty:
  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Student Teacher
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)