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European School Education Platform

eTwinning Project: The Disconnect

EU-funded Teaching materials

eTwinning Project: The Disconnect

A prize-winning eTwinning project for students aged 12-15 years. The project empowers students to use technology and social media in a more critical and responsible way.
The disconnect

This eTwinning project aims at empowering students to take control of their use of digital technology using the internet and social media in a more critical and responsible way while getting to know the main dangers they can experience online. The project won the 2022 European prize for eTwinning projects for pupils aged between 12-15 years.


In this project, students produce posters about internet safety, discuss their life in apps and work with the novel The Disconnect. Students reflect about their own digital lives and if they can disconnect from technology. As a result, students become more mindful of threats and opportunities that the digital devices in their pockets present, and how to be able to disconnect from the virtual world at least for a short time to reconsider the positive aspects of face-to-face relationships.


  • Age group: 12-15
  • ISCED Level: 2 & 3
  • Key Competences: Citizenship; Digital; Personal, social and learning to learn; Cultural awareness and expression
  • Subjects:  Media Literacy, eSafety, Citizenship, Psychology
  • Published by: eTwinning
  • Year: 2022
  • Languages available: English
  • Link: 


Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty:
  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)