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European School Education Platform

Art in democracy – The European Parliament’s Contemporary Art Collection

EU-funded Teaching materials

Art in democracy – The European Parliament’s Contemporary Art Collection

The collection includes a number of art pieces that give an insight into how democracy has been interpreted by visual artists from different countries in Europe.
Art in democracy - cover image
Image: European Parliament

The Art in Democracy collection aims to reinforce awareness of the need to stand up for democratic freedoms, pointing towards the duty to remain alert and participate in processes as decisive as the European elections. It is reiterated that European citizens also have a role to play in defending democracy by voting in the European elections in June 2024.


The aim of the Pedagogical Kit is to give educators practical guidance; it provides an opportunity to address the topic of democracy and democratic values via aesthetic and experience-based learning. Physically, the exhibition can be visited in Brussels (until 30.06.2024) and Strasbourg (01.02-18.09.2024). All the material is also accessible online in 24 languages.


  • Published by: European Parliament
  • Year: 2023
  • Languages available: 24 languages


Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)

School subjects

Vocational subjects