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Share, learn and understand our traditions and customs

Project kits

Share, learn and understand our traditions and customs

“ I believe in traditions: I believe in the idea of things being passed between generations and the slow transmission of cultural values through tradition.”
magnifying glass
© iQoncept via
“ I believe in traditions: I believe in the idea of things being passed between generations and the slow transmission of cultural values through tradition.” Graham Moore This kit will offer the opportunity for students to understand through simple activities the importance of traditions and cultural heritage. Their mascot/heroes will be the characters that will help them understand that there are many traditions, that traditions change over the years and there are also common elements in the traditions of different countries.

1. To learn and share traditions and knowledge about cultural heritage through a variety of activities that strengthen students’ speaking, reading and writing skills. 2. To foster the great value of the European countries heritage by discovering, learning and sharing our traditions 3. To improve ICT skills by learning and using the new technologies in a safe way which will increase the students’ key competences for future learning.

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Introduction of partners
Introduction of partners

Art Teacher: At the beginning of the project, students of all partner countries visit the local / culture museum of their country and discover their traditions. They take pictures of different objects and they select their favourite one. They use the photo of their object as their profile picture and they ask their peers to guess what this object is and how it was used. Primary School teacher/Art teacher/ICT teacher: Then, the partner schools organize a videoconference, where the students have the opportunity to introduce themselves and reveal who guessed right regarding their object and it’s use. ICT teacher: After the videoconference, all these pictures can be used to create a memory game that all students can play or share with their family and other classes at school. Tools : Adobe Connect, Educaplay memory Game, Matchthememory

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Primary School teacher: At the beginning of the project students discuss in their class what traditions and cultural heritage is and why it is important to learn about other cultures. Then, they are asked to create their word cloud on cultural heritage and traditions in national groups. Following this, students should have the opportunity to look at what their partners have done, they could then create a word cloud with the common words. Art teacher: The students in each partner class could create a doll with characteristics of their traditions. For example the doll could; wear a traditional costume accompanied with a flag, have a suitcase of small traditional objects, have some notes of the different traditions and a list of suggested names. Every partner will receive one doll from all the other partners and select how they will call their mascot by choosing one of the names in the list. These dolls can be used as a tool in the activities that will follow. Tools: Answergarden, Craft material

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Primary School Teacher: In the class students should learn about the main traditions of their region and they could create a short presentation to present to their peers. During a video conference call the students could present their traditions. Students should pay careful attention to the different traditions presented as teachers could prepare a test to check students knowledge and understanding. Art teacher: Masks have played an important role in various traditions since ancient times and they have been used in many different ways. Students are asked to look at the history of masks within their own countries and present their findings to their partners. Then, each partner class tries to recreate the masks of their partners. All masks are photographed and put online, and all students are asked to vote for the ones they liked the most. Primary School teacher/ Drama teacher: The partner classes organize a video conference to talk about the mascots they received and ask questions from their partners. The students could work in small teams and write a script with their dolls as heroes. One school starts the script and the other continues. The purpose is to mix their main traditions and create a puppet show. Art teacher:Once, the script is ready, the classes decide which part of the scenery they will create and they post the drawings to the TwinSpace in order all partners can print them. ICT teacher: Each class creates a video where students act out the script using stop motion animation or as a puppet show. They could do this in their mother tongue, or they can even split the script and each partner class can create part of the video and then merge them into one. Tools: Dotstorming, craft material,Meeting Words, Kahoot, Stop motion animationPrimary School Teacher: Each class discovers traditional recipes of their area. They could decide to organize a fair where students will be asked to cook with their parents and bring a traditional dish to the class. During this day, students and parents will have the opportunity to try different delicacies and vote on the one that they consider the most traditional. The dish with the most votes will be shared with the other partners. Then, the partner classes will take one of the recipes suggested by their peers and propose a different version of it using an ingredient from their region. All recipes will be gathered in an e-book. Sports Teacher: The students in each partner school learn a traditional dance and they post a short video of them dancing together with some hints about what the dance is called. The students from the partner school have to search and find the dance. Once they have done this they then could learn their partners’ dance and during a video conference they could exchange their experiences. Tools: Dotstorming, craft material,Meeting Words, Kahoot, Stop motion animation

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Evaluation & Assessment
Evaluation & Assessment

Primary School Teacher: At the end of the project the mascot becomes the journalist and could ask the students what they liked the most, what they have learnt through the different activities, what they didn’t like and what they will remember from this project. All students are asked to add one word in the following word clouds: • How would you describe the project in one word? • What is the most important thing you learnt? Students also play the role of journalist to their parents and ask them to share their thoughts about their participation in the food fair day. Students could be asked to complete an adjust “I am” Poem that starts with sentences like the following: -Tradition is…. -Tradition makes me feel… -Tradition looks… -Tradition makes me dream… -Tradition makes me angry when… Tools: Answergarden, Easypoll , Meeting Words

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Follow up
Follow up

All involved teachers : At the end of the school year, the partner schools could organise a joint event where they will invite the other classes, the parents and the local authorities. During this event, the school could connect and greet each other. Then, the students can present their activities , play their puppet show using their mascots, teach their guest the dances they learnt and invite them to see their mask exhibition.The students can create a poster to announce the final event with families and local insitutions, using Postermywall, Genially or Canva too. The mascots could remain in a common area of the school with their suitcase and other classes can borrow them to learn about the traditions of other countries and also organize follow-up activities with them : write the story of the mascot, create poems, take interviews etc. Tools: Postermywall,, Canva

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Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty: