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Nutrition: Source of Life and Art

Project kits

Nutrition: Source of Life and Art

Nutrition is a vital issue for everyone. This kit aims to study nutrition from two sides; as a source of life for people and as a source of artistic inspiration. Young people in multinational groups can collaborate and learn about nutrition: the nutritional needs of the body, the risks of poor nutrition, factors that influence our diet etc.
vegetables, fruit and water bottle
kb group via

Nutrition is a vital issue for everyone. This kit aims to study nutrition from two sides; as a source of life for people and as a source of artistic inspiration. Young people in multinational groups can collaborate and learn about nutrition: the nutritional needs of the body, the risks of poor nutrition, factors that influence our diet etc. Together, they can discover different gastronomic traditions as they are shown in paintings and other forms of art so they can get inspired to create collaborative outcomes.


- To enhance student autonomy, independence and initiative. - Raise students' awareness of a healthy and balanced diet - Give the opportunity to students to get to know different artists - Develop critical thinking - Develop the student's talents and creativity. - Promote intercultural understanding

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Introduction of partners
Introduction of partners

Colours and food In a common padlet, each student introduces himself/herself and writes his/her favourite colour. Their partners comment on the posts by writing the fruit or vegetable of the same colour in their cities, countries or in general. Additionally, they can add a photo of the fruit or vegetable in their post. Example tool: PadletNames and meanings Many people's names are inspired by nature (flowers, fruits...) such as Olivier, Oliva and Amanda. Students in each school find such names and create a poster with their meaning and their origin. When all posters are uploaded, students identify the common ones and create a list with these names in all languages. *If there is no connection, students can use papers and crayons to create their poster and then upload a picture of it in the TwinSpace. Example tool: Tool of poster PiktochartSimilar dishes In the TwinSpace forum students talk about their favourite dishes and share photos. Their partners ask about the ingredients, search and write other dishes from their countries that may be similar. They can make comparisons between the specific gastronomic features of their countries and may find similar food preferences among them and their partners.

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The Vitamins Game. The students in each school research about the different vitamins and their benefits. Once, they have collected all the information they have a debate. Each student selects a vitamin and talks about its benefits, where you can find it and try to convince his/her classmates that this vitamin is the best. Students conclude that all vitamins are necessary for the human body and very important for a balanced diet. The students can create small video clips where they present their vitamin but without saying which vitamin it is. Then, they can upload the short clips on the TwinSpace and their partners will have to guess the vitamins. International Information Bank The partners decide on the main topics of nutrition that they would like to work on: eating habits, risks of poor nutrition, nutritives etc. All students add all the information they know about each topic in a common padlet. They should add only what they know and not links they can find on the Internet. This is the first source of knowledge they have in the topic that they will work on later. Example tool: PadletArtists of the world Students are asked to research and find a painting or a novel where the topic is related to food. Once they identify the one which they liked the most, they upload it to the TwinSpace forum. Their partners do the same and they comment on each other’s suggestions. They discuss about the way food is depicted, why the artist chose the specific topic, what the meaning is etc.

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COMMUNICATIONLet's meet together They play a guessing game. They show photos of traditional dishes and their partners have to guess the ingredients used to cook this dish. The winner is the school that guesses the majority of the ingredients. Example of a tool: Adobe Connect Take care of your health by writing a story In each school, students create postcards that they have drawings of 1 fruit, 1 vegetable and 3 words. They send these cards to their partners by post and when they receive them, every student has to write a short story using the 3 words and the 2 drawings of his/her postcards. The story has to be related to the nutrition. When all stories are ready, they create a common book in issuu. Example tool: IssuuInternational Restaurant The students of one school create a presentation with suggestions for a healthy breakfast, the other school present ideas for a healthy lunch and the third school for a healthy dinner. The presentations are uploaded in Google Slides so all partners have the opportunity to add suggestions and material to each other’s’ presentations. Once they have finished, they can use the presentations to create a common ebook. Example tool: JoomagCOLLABORATIONInternational groups Students are grouped in 2 multinational groups: Group: Nutrition + Group: Nutrition – Teachers can discuss with their students which group they want to join or use a Google form to allow them to choose the preferred work group. 1/ Guide “Nutrition +” / Magazine “Nutrition Risks” In this activity partners of each group (Nutrition + / Nutrition -) research, learn, exchange, think critically and write their recommendations, ideas and advice collaboratively on the topics studied. * To write collaboratively, they can use the online tool Framapad or Google Doc. But if they don't have Internet access, they can simply exchange a word document among them (partners of the first school write their proposals in the document and send it to their partners of the other school and so on until all the schools participate). a- Group Nutrition +: Guide “Nutrition +”. Partners of this multinational group collaborate together to create a Guide “Nutrition +” with useful recommendations on: a healthy diet, necessary nutrients and vitamins for the body, the benefits of vitamins, natural foods, nutritive and the factors that positively influence nutrition etc. b- Group Nutrition - : Magazine “Nutrition Risks”. Partners of this multinational group collaborate together to create a magazine “Nutrition Risks”. Students think critically and write about the factors that can negatively influence the choices of nutrition that young people and people in general make (such as advertising, media, food distribution, stress) and about the risks of malnutrition (health problems, obesity, hunger etc.). Example tool: Framapad, Issuu2/ Awareness-raising Spots on Nutrition Partners of each group agree to create Awareness-raising Spots on the Nutrition topics studied in each group. By Chat or TwinSpace Forum, the partners of each group discuss, agree, distribute roles, choose the spots languages, etc. After organizing everything, they record their work and send them to their group partners, in charge of editing, to assemble them and make the final montage. Then they publish the spots on YouTube to be watched and discussed between all the project partners. Example tool: Movie Maker 3/ The Food Museum / Ebook “Food in Literature” After working on the issue of Nutrition, as a Source of Life, the partners of each group (Nutrition + / Nutrition -) collaborate on the topic of food as a Source of Artistic Inspiration in Painting and Literature. a- Group Nutrition +: The Food Museum. Many painters are inspired by food represented in art and history and want to represent the everyday food in their native homes. Partners of this group are looking for paintings inspired by food such as Leonardo Da Vinci's “The Last Supper”, Diego Velazquez's “El Aguador de Sevilla”, The Milkmaid of Vermeers, etc. The students reflect on these paintings and discuss about the artist, country and period. Students decide to re-create some of these paintings by working collaboratively with Twiddla. They can also use original canvas. Each partner starts a painting and sends the canva to the next partner by post. Once the canvases have been to all of the schools, each school will have one final painting. b- Group Nutrition - : Ebook “Food in Literature”. Partners of this group are looking for novels and poems related to food, such as the poems “Sardines in oil” of Georges Fourest, “Grapes And The Wind” of Pablo Neruda and the novel “Les Misérables” of Victor Hugo (where the hero was sentenced to prison for stealing bread) . Partners interpret these works: meaning, metaphors, symbolization, etc. Then they vote and select different heroes/heroines from the books they studied as well as landscapes and objects. Having these as an inspiration, they collaboratively create their own story using a Google Doc. Then they can publish their ebook by the Calaméo Tool. Example tool: Twiddla, Emaze, Calameo

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Evaluation & Assessment
Evaluation & Assessment

Evaluation throughout the project During the project activities, the 2 multinational groups can make suggestions/comments and proposals to each other’s work. Continuous feedback will be an effective way to have a look to the work their peers are doing. The comments can be shared during online meetings or by using tools like Tricider. Example Tools: TriciderRubric of common evaluation and diagrams Teachers ask their students to a reply to a questionnaire and express their opinion about their participation in the project. The questionnaire can be online or on paper if the internet connection doesn’t allow it. The results will be published in the TwinSpace. Discussion Forum Students write their evaluations of the project in the Debate forum (TwinSpace) created for this activity. This opens a debate on what has worked well and on the difficulties if there were any. Clouds of experience Each student says 5 words describing his experience in the project. All the words proposed by the partners in different schools can be gathered in a wall created by Lino tool or in a common card. With these words partners can create clouds of words using the WordArt tool. Example of Tool: Lino, WordArt

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Follow up
Follow up

Documentation It is important that the TwinSpace is well organized, clear and attractive (pages, sub-pages, activities...) with easy access to the content, objectives, activities and final products. It will be well presented to attract different visitors to view the TwinSpace. It is also important to integrate all the work done in the TwinSpace (external tools, collaborative products, communication, student work photos, etc.). Dissemination There will be many activities to allow for dissemination: - There will be an exhibition at the end of the project for each participating school to show all the products produced within the partnership. Each school will take photos and videos of the exhibition to share with the project partners and use them in the dissemination of the project. - Organize a conference to present the project and its products inviting other students, teachers, administrators, principal, parents, regional leaders, etc. - Distribute project brochures and products at school. - Disseminating results on social media. - Writing articles on sites and blogs - Disseminate the project in the Press, Radio and TV.

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Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty: