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Magic headwear auction

Project kits

Magic headwear auction

This project aims at showing participants how cultural heritage can be implemented in an eTwinning project and promoted in the classroom.
colourful scarfs
Siora Photography via unsplash

This project aims at showing participants how cultural heritage can be implemented in an eTwinning project and promoted in the classroom. The participants create traditional national headwear and then they promote it in an auction (the kit and activities in general can be used not only for headwear but also for folk outfits or symbols). Through the creation of cultural heritage items and use of ICT, students and teachers will promote Cultural Heritage in the classroom and develop the writing, collaboration and ICT skills.


• Raising students’ awareness about the value and importance of cultural heritage. • understand and protect tangible and intangible heritage • to develop writing, collaboration and ICT skills • To help pupils to identify, explore, and become aware of European values. • To develop pupils’ insight into the similarities and differences among nations and cultures.

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Introduction of partners
Introduction of partners

Who are you?Introducing each other in international groups: Part 1: Teachers create a page on the TwinSpace with one sub-page for each international group (each group composed of students from different countries) In their international group page students will post on a Padlet messages to introduce themselves to the other member of their teams though a quiz. Each member of the group will post various hints about their identity: an object from their country, a favourite sport, a photo of a favourite piece of clothing and a favourite book. The members of the international team will have to guess from which country they come from and what their hobbies are. Part 2: Eventually, each student will record a short introduction video of themselves (max 2 min) their hobbies, sports and a favourite cultural item is presented. All videos will be then collected by teachers or pupils and will be posted in a common TwinBoard Tools : phone or camera, video editing programme in case students would like to edit and create a final video for example : ViewbixPadlet

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For Teachers- Planning: The collaborative plan is used for the partners so that every partner can add their ideas and suggestions to the planning template and make changes, add suggestions, also they make a web 2.0 tools list to use during the project. Activity 1: Word cloud: The partners answer the question “What national headwear has been worn in your country?” using mentimeter as a tool. Every partner chooses only one piece headwear and writes the name of it in their national language. At the end of the activity they have got a word cloud that can be used as a logo of the project. Activity 2: Research: In international groups (same as before or different), each group is requested to research a type of national headwear or cultural object (scarf, traditional clothes). It is important to make sure that objects from all participating countries are included and each group researches a different headwear/object. Students research about the origins of the headwear/ object. Teachers will create guiding questions which help students to inquire about the history of the object, what is the cultural influence of other nations on the traditional wear of the country etc. The international groups students conduct research and create presentations about the national headwear and introduce it, write about its characteristics, why it was used, from what material it was usually made, the colours of it etc. Tools:

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Making national head-wears: Part 1 Planning: Each international team writes instructions how to make their headwear: what material they should use in order to create their headwear, how to create it, if there is a need for different and special types of fabric and how it can be transformed to more accessible items. Option: if possible, students can design a prototype online, this can be done with the free software mentioned below. Part 2: creating: In national teams, the instructions created by the international groups will be distributed and each national team will create a headwear/object according to the received instructions. Auction: Part 1: Preparation: The students write an auction description for the headwear made by them, presenting their headwear, making advertisements for auction and showing how to promote their headwear in auction. Students organize an online event where they announce the auction, present their head-wear in the event, and then together, think how they can promote it as if they are in a real auction. All ideas will be collected and put in one guiding document that will be shared among partners Part 2: auction Each partner country will organise an auction of the headwear based on the guidelines discussed in the online event. Parents, pupils and community will be invited. Pupils can further develop the topic and explain how the headwear can be used in daily modern life and come up with different creative ideas for multiple uses. Making Transnational headwear: The main idea behind this activity is to bring students together who have similar interests and skills. The students create a headwear that takes into consideration all countries` headwear and comes up with something new. So the colours of one country and the shape of another, the fabric of the third etc. This can be done collaboratively in small international teams – each team creates several options for each criterion and all students decide together how the final collaborative headwear will look. They can use design and online prototype tools in order to create an example of the object. This is an opportunity to get creative and innovative ideas on what kind of headwear they want. Option: Each class creates the transnational headwear and adds it to the auction Collaborative book: The students make an online book of the project. Including presentation of all the work they have done, from research to the creation of headwear and an online gallery with all their creative work Conclusion Quiz: Students work in transnational teams. Each team explores the presentations about the national headwear prepared in the beginning of the project and make a list of questions for quiz. Then they create an online quiz that can be played in a final online video conference. The quiz can be organized as a “Kahoot game or “Do you know..? questions, “which headwear is made of…” the online game can be also played at the end of the auction or in a whole school setting, inviting parents and teachers. Tools: Tools for prototype design: figmamoqupsdesignwizardcanva tools for collaborative decision-making process: dotstorming, google docs, google forms tools of collaborative online book: Madmagz tools for the online quiz: kahootquizizzartsteps

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Evaluation & Assessment
Evaluation & Assessment

Different kinds of assessment and evaluation forms can be used: 1. Poll: The partners use Poll in TwinSpace after every activity and are asked “Do you like this activity?” or Why do you like it? Have you had any problems with doing this activity? How have you solved it?” Forum: Students use eTwinning forum and discuss what the similarities and differences there are for all the headwear they have presented. They are asked to list one surprising fact they have learned about other cultures and to list one new thing they have learned in the project. Survey: Students use a survey for evaluation and answer the questions: What was the most interesting in the project? Why? Which ICT tool have you learned to use? Which tool you enjoyed using? Which activity was the most interesting? And why? What have you learned through these activities? Would you like to participate in eTwinning projects again? And etc.

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Follow up
Follow up

Documentation: The initial project plan along with a project task list should be published in a separate activity page created in the TwinSpace. - Separate activity pages should be created for each one of the activities of the project. They should include a short description of the activity and the final products. - Any communication that takes place in the chat room, the forum, or during a live session should be documented. All this material should be displayed in the appropriate activity pages. - Teachers and students should regularly update the Project Journal on the TwinSpace. Dissemination: For all eTwinners: Events: The founders create an onsite event in eTwinning Live to promote their project. They inform eTwinners about the activities they did, what they gained and learned. Also, posters, links and photos are shared in this event. The interactive poster made by students is also shared in the portal for everybody. If an onsite event is not possible, an online event can be organised on a national level to showcase the project results, lessons learnt etc. For teachers, parents and local community: Fashion show: Students can create a fashion show of headwear. it should be held with an element of pageantry. Teachers could invite the local community to the show and inform them about the work they have done. At the end of the fashion show there will be an auction with a sale. Students use the auction headwear advertisements and promotions created by them during the project. eTwinning corner: The partners create a school eTwinning project board in every school to disseminate the project and their activities. It can be an eTwinning corner where all resources and material will be shared with school mates and school staff. The photos of the eTwinning corners are uploaded to TwinSpace.

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Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty: