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Comparing news and media contents

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Comparing news and media contents

Students examine news headlines and news contents in different sectors (e.g. main domestic news, international news, sports news, culture, etc.) and different media (newspapers, tabloid papers, regional papers, different TV channels, radio, social media) and compile a summary of them (e.g. three most popular ones).
newspaper, glasses, coffee cup and pen on a table
sebra via

Students examine news headlines and news contents in different sectors (e.g. main domestic news, international news, sports news, culture, etc.) and different media (newspapers, tabloid papers, regional papers, different TV channels, radio, social media) and compile a summary of them (e.g. three most popular ones). Students from the partner countries compare the results in international groups and discuss the reasons for possible differences. Photo credits: sebra-


developing skills in media literacy and media criticism, understanding the impact of culture and context on media content, development of reading comprehension

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Introduction of partners
Introduction of partners

- Students update their profiles in the TwinSpace. - Students introduce themselves briefly in the TwinSpace Forum. Students from the partner classes read the introductions and respond to the introductions of 2–4 partner students so that all students get at least one response. or - Students attach a selfie and write an introduction to the Twinboard or Padlet in the TwinSpace. - Students record a short video in Flipgrid to introduce themselves - An online meeting is organised (Adobe Connect in the TwinSpace, Teams or Google Meet), in which students see one another and take turns introducing themselves. Students can ask the partner class questions related to their class, school, studying and hometown. - Students prepare short quizzes (e.g. a 10-question Kahoot!) about the partner countries. The quizzes are carried out in connection with the online meeting.

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Students respond to a survey on their media use, for example, how much they read newspapers, watch television and follow the news available online and topical matters in the social media. The survey also investigates what news themes the students are interested in. The surveys are implemented in a way that enables comparison between the answers given by students from different countries. It is also possible to implement surveys to the different genders and compare the answers by gender. Students discuss the results of the surveys in international groups (e.g. in the TwinSpace forum or on WhatsApp or in Teams), comparing the results and reflecting on the reasons behind the differences.

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1. The days during which the news survey will be implemented are settled. 2. Students work in pairs or in groups of three. 3. They select the type of media they are interested in themselves: newspaper, tabloid paper, television (public or commercial channel), radio or social media. 4. Students select a topical theme that they are interested in themselves (e.g. domestic news, international news, crimes and accidents, sports news, cultural news, etc.) 5. Groups are formed based on these interests. The groups share the tasks between themselves and report 3-5 most important items of news as well as their main content and perspective. 6. The groups check whether any news is also available in the partner country. 7. They compile a summary that contains a report and scanned or captured pictures of the news. The summary is published in TwinSpace in the materials section or in a shared Google folder. The summary may be presented as a poster, infograph or a PowerPoint presentation or whatever the students feel appropriate. International groups are formed (4–8 students). These groups include representatives from all the countries. 8. The representatives of the different countries present their reports/summaries, and the differences and similarities are discussed. Reasons for the differences are reflected on. 9. Examples of news items of the partner countries are presented. ----------- 10. The results of all groups are presented in a shared online meeting (Teams, Adobe Connect...). ----------- 11. If the collaboration has worked well, the studying of the theme continues with one of the following activities. a. Creating a shared online newspaper with different themes, articles and pictures, even videoclips b. Studying the fake news phenomenon in different countries – Where can you run into fake news? How can you sort out what is fake and what isn’t? How can we protect ourselves from fake news? c. Discussion on what will happen to the press in the future. d. Students examine the main news on television, in newspapers and social media over the past four weeks. Which stories did the students find the most important and/or the most interesting? In which ones have children and young people (12–18 years) played the main role? As a rule, is the news about young people mainly negative or positive? Why?

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Evaluation & Assessment
Evaluation & Assessment

Students assess their own work and the work of their group: - Have they participated actively in collecting information? - Have they participated actively in producing information? - Have they participated actively in the discussions and reflections? - Have the tasks been divided equally in the groups? - Has it been easy to understand the thoughts of the other group members? - Have the objectives been achieved (development of key skills)? -------- - Was this kind of collaborative learning in a project motivating? - Would the students be interested in continuing with similar work? --------- - Teachers assess the implementation of the project: - Were the objectives achieved? - How did collaboration work? - Did the results meet the expectations? - Would it be a good idea to continue collaboration? --------- - An evaluation discussion is conducted - An evaluation survey is carried out

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Follow up
Follow up

Documentation of the project: The project results and product are uploaded in the project TwinSpace. In addition to the reports and summaries, posters and presentations, students share pictures and screenshots of the discussions, online meetings and Kahoots. Dissemination of results: The results are shared on the TwinSpace pages, which are published online. The results are also shared in the Project Journal and in social media networks.

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Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Difficulty: