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Inspiring action plans for building school-company partnerships

Lesson plans

Inspiring action plans for building school-company partnerships

A curated selection of quality teaching materials about building partnerships between schools and companies. These materials were developed by the participants of the ‘Building School—Company Partnerships’ online course on EU Academy.
Building partnerships
Image: Adobe Stock/Jacob Lund Photography

The online course ran between November and December 2022 and remains available for browsing. As part of the course, participants designed action plans incorporating ideas, goals, and challenges of potential partnerships with companies. These action plans provided the foundation for planning and implementing the partnerships and a range of classroom-based activities. The plans can inspire other educators on how to set up partnerships between schools and companies.

The action plans are available in English and can be accessed here.

These action plans were reviewed and curated by the course moderator. A big thanks to the authors of these plans:

Anastasia Nikolopoulou, Darija-Marija Jelić, Dolores Dobrinjkic, Diana Moroianu, Isavela Tsiantoula 

  • Age group: All
  • Subjects: All
  • Published by: European School Education Platform
  • Year: 2022
  • Languages available: English


Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)