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European School Education Platform
eTwinning validated

carole Herbé

I have been teaching English as a foreign language for 20 years. I work in France in a small rural secondary school located in Saint-Cosme en Vairais. My students are aged 11 to 15. I am looking for European partners and specifically ESL teachers who would like to work on projects that would involve the use of English language, develop the interest in others and different cultures. CEFRL is the framework of our teaching therefore no doubt we can find common ideas and themes to work on. As to me, I am interested in many things such as travelling, painting, cooking, doing odd jobs, organic gardening, going to the cinema and cycling! I have been involved in Etwinning projects for several years and I am currently a coordinator for a KA229 Erasmus project, I have learnt a lot from these experiences on E-twinning.
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eTwinning validated
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  • Interested in subject:
    Foreign Languages