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European School Education Platform
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Erasmus+ Mobility

Réseau Canopé - Training center for teachers

TO SEND: we are looking for institutions to send our trainers on short-term mobilities (training lasting a few days/observation period/expert visit), which would take place during the first and last semestre 2024.

TO RECEIVE: we welcome European teachers to train them on subjects related to the Erasmus+ priority themes and professional development.
We are looking for:
Partners for mobility activities
Expires on:
Created on: 03.07.2024
Last edited on:
Contact poster
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Mobility activities:
Job-shadowing (School Education)
Teaching or training assignments (School Education)
Academic year:
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Contact poster
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Posting organisation

Réseau Canopé

Chasseneuil du Poitou
  • Organisation type:
    Training Center
  • eTwinning validated:

Related topics

Classroom management
Digital tools

Related subjects

Cross Curricular

Related vocational subjects


Related key competences

Cultural awareness and expression
Personal, social and learning to learn