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European School Education Platform


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Projects (150434)

This project aims to bring local traditions of partner countries into the current world of youth with highlighting of key skills for students such as sustainable environmental awareness, inclusive...

In our project, it is aimed for our students to recognize and protect natural vegetation, to raise individuals who are respectful of the environment and have green skills, to learn the endemic plants...

Projekt dedykowany jest wciąż mało znanej postaci - Matce Pauli Maleckiej (1852-1927), kandydatce do chwały ołtarzy w Kościele katolickim, dla której bardzo bliska była sprawa wychowania i edukacji...

Cooperation of two primary schools, one from Poland and Greece. The age group of the pupils is 12/ 13 years old. The tasks will be cross cultural engaging linguistic skills, social studies, culture...

Climate change has been aggravated due to urban sprawl, poor growth management, products, services and operations.The theme of this project allows students to connect Unesco Sustainable Development...

The project titled "Climate Literacy" aims to raise awareness about climate change through the collaboration of students from different countries. The project combines research tasks, where students...

"Winter in Europe" is an eTwinning project that brings together students from various European countries to share their perspective on the beauty of winter. The project aims to explore the impact of...

Échange virtuel entre des élèves parlant français et/ou italien./ Scambio virtuale tra alunni che parlano italiano e/o francese