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European School Education Platform

Global Educational Magazine: "February 21 - International Mother Language Day".

The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Bangladesh Embassy in Warsaw and students and teachers associated with the University of Dhaka. Cooperation will be established to obtain information on the history of historical events of 1952 and documents - the fight for the native language. These events constituted the foundation, establishing in 1999 by UNESCO on 21 February the International Mother Language Day. Project coordinators will prepare a preliminary draft of an international newspaper devoted to Mother Languages and History. Then all partners will read and accept this project school newspaper. Each partner will translate the text of the newspaper into their own native language and send it to the coordinator. Coordinators will complement the international online and pdf newsletter by adding new translated materials received from partners. Each partner will prepare one translation of the newspaper's text into their own native language. The newsletter will be publishe
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