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European School Education Platform


STEM is the abbreviation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). STEM education system is technically applied in our country since primary school age. However, as a popular education system that has been disseminated from the USA since 2011, it is named as STEM and it is an education system which has started to be implemented in many schools around the world. With this system, it is aimed to remove the lessons such as Science and Mathematics from the memorization system, to apply the knowledge in real life and to develop problem solving techniques / methods, to raise the curiosity, research and creativity characteristics. Mobile phones, televisions, computers and robotic systems used in developing technologies and digitalizing world increase the demand / demand for digital professions. These STEM trainings are offered between 1-12 years so that students who can analyze, produce and use these systems can get more comfortable education at universities. Thanks to this education system, it is aimed to adapt to future professions and to eliminate professional concerns.
Created on
19 members


Poland(6), Albania(3), Türkiye(3), Romania(2), Italy(2), Tunisia(1), France(1), Bulgaria(1)
Age range: