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European School Education Platform

Invata outdoor!

Proiectul doreste sa se adreseze prescolarilor si scolarilor mici care vor participa la activitati de invatare a stiintei, a comunicarii in limba materna, de exersare a abilitatilor artistice si psihomotrice in alte spatii decat cele scolare. Matematica, cunoasterea mediului, artele si motricitatea pot fi invatate si exersate si prin activitati organizate in ateliere din biblioteci, muzee, institutii cu obiectiv de educatie nonformala, spatii libere, parcuri din comunitatea locala. Fiecare partener este responsabil de organizarea unei categorii de activitati alese in mod outdoor, modul de aplicare, rezultatele si impactul fiind popularizate in randul partenerilor. Produse ale acestui proiect vor fi o harta a locurilor in care se pot realiza activitati outdoor si un jurnal a activitatilor. The project aims to address preschoolers and small schoolchildren who will participate in science learning activities, communication in their mother tongue, practicing artistic and psychomotor skills in areas other than school. Mathematics, environmental knowledge, arts and motor skills can also be learned and practiced through activities organized in workshops in libraries, museums, non-formal education institutions, open spaces, parks in the local community. Each partner is responsible for organizing a category of activities chosen outdoors, the mode of application, the results and the impact being popularized among the partners. Products of this project will be a map of the places where you can do outdoor activities and a journal of the activities.
Created on
38 members


Romania(26), Türkiye(3), Republic of Moldova(2), Poland(1), Jordan(1), Luxembourg(1), Greece(1), Hungary(1), France(1)
Age range:
up to 3