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European Commission logo
European School Education Platform
A logo that embodies the spirit of innovation and sustainability, featuring 17 interconnected elements or gears, each representing one of the Sustainable Development Goals, arranged in a circular formation.

SUSTAINABLE: Sparking Understanding of SDGs Through AI and Novel Approaches in Balanced Learning Environments

In an AI Driven era, teachers must adopt innovative educational strategies to teach the use and the ethics of AI through real-world challenges. This project aims to empower teachers with these strategies and cutting-edge digital and AI tools to enhance their students' digital competences while exploring the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each month, based on an novel teaching methodology (PBL, IBL, Personalized learning, Experiential Learning, Collaborative Learning, Flipped Classroom, Game-Based Learning, Storytelling and Socratic Seminars), students will implement activities using digital and AI tools related to one of the 17 Global Goals and the relative International/World Day. Thus, the project will be based on 3 axes: Sustainability, Innovative Learning and Emerging Technologies. By integrating emerging technologies into the classroom, teachers will create engaging, interactive activities that not only foster digital literacy but also deepen students' understanding of global challenges. Through AI-driven platforms and collaborative digital tools, students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, all while implementing meaningful activities on sustainability and global citizenship. The idea of this project is based on the ESEP online course "Unlocking the power of teachers' digital competence: Innovative teaching and learning strategies".
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19 members


Greece(9), Türkiye(2), Poland(2), Portugal(2), Croatia(1), Romania(1), Italy(1), Spain(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range: