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European School Education Platform

A healthy mind in a healthy body

We want to start this project for the purpose of raising awareness among students of the importance of physical exercise and healthy nutrition as prerequisites for a healthy life. Plan of activities in the project September - marking partners on the check in folder October - presentation of project partners in Padlet November - present the healthy food pyramid to the students and create a healthy food pyramid with the students in the form of a poster or each student can create their own healthy food pyramid and present it in one of the digital tools December - the student partners in the project make a menu for lunch, which does not have to be healthy - they present their work, and then they choose one menu from the partner schools in the project and mark the healthy foods on the menu with a tick, and the ones that should be eaten in small amounts with a dash January - each student puts together their healthy menu and presents them to the other partners in the project in the form of PPT February - students draw what sport they play or what sports game they like to play the most - write down on the drawing why they like to play that particular sport March - students get to design 10 exercises, present them to partners in the project and choose exercises from one partner country, do their exercises and present them to other project partners April - students draw an athlete who comes from their country and is known throughout the world for his sporting success May - students draw the mascot of the project, choose the best one to present to the other partners - students choose from all presented mascots one that will be the official mascot of the project (one partner country votes, one vote) June - distribution of diplomas to students and evaluation of the projectsxyxdcfrt
Created on
12 members


Türkiye(5), Croatia(3), Spain(2), Greece(1), Portugal(1), Romania(1), Lithuania(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: