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European School Education Platform

HEALTHy Habits, HEALTHy Kids

This project is meant to educate children in the spirit of an active healthy lifestyle. "Mens sana in corpore sano" is an old Latin dictum which is more actual than ever. Children's lives and free time are currently being dominated by computer games and poor yet convenient food choices affecting both their physiological and social development. Children who spend countless hours playing computer games are prone to developing anxiety and communication issues. Excessive consumption of junk food and sweets have a significant contribution to serious or even fatal illnesses such as obesity and diabetes just to name a few. As teachers and adults we should support their engagement in physical activities and help them understand the basic principles of healthy, nutritious eating and, most importantly, help them understand that making wise choices in terms of eating and leisure activities will benefit them on the long run by offering them a healthy mind and a healthy strong body. Since the summer break is close they will have more free time available to try new sports and activities which could bring them more benefits compared to sitting alone in front of a computer screen day after day.
Created on
2 members


Türkiye(3), Romania(2), Poland(2), Spain(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: