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European School Education Platform
Artificial Intelligence

Harnessing AI to Empower Students

With this project we aim not only to increase students and teachers knowledge of artificial intelligence tools in education but also their digital competencies of many web 2.0 tools. The participants will make use of universal topics like sustainable development goals, climate change and natural -based solutions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a fleeting trend in education; it is a powerful tool and will continue to shape the future of learning and teaching. Smart Content: AI has the potential to create digital content that is customized to the needs of each student. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: AI-powered tutoring systems could provide personalized instruction and feedback to students, much like a human tutor would. Predictive Analytics: AI could be used to predict student outcomes, helping educators and administrators identify at-risk students and intervene before it's too late. Global Learning Platforms: AI enables the creation of global learning platforms where students from around the world can learn together which served the aim of an eTw project. Lifelong Learning: AI could play a key role in this by providing personalized learning opportunities that adapt to a person's changing needs and interests over time.
Created on
11 members
National Quality Label


Türkiye(5), Italy(2), Croatia(1), France(1), Greece(1), Romania(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: