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European School Education Platform
Archaeology For Kids

Archaeology For Kids

It is important to protect, promote and transfer the cultural heritage to future generations. In our project, which we have created with the aim of gaining “cultural heritage awareness” in early childhood, it is among our priority goals to provide children with information about what kind of science archaeology is, to raise awareness about the historical and archaeological richness of our countries Decently and to contribute to education. In addition, it is aimed to instill historical awareness in our children, to make them understand the importance of cultural assets and the transfer of these assets to future generations by preserving them. In our project activities, children will have information at the end of the project about what people who lived in the past ate, where they lived, what clothes they wore, what they did and what technology they used. The activities implemented in the project will be supported by digital games that we will prepare. Children will learn by doing-by living, a sense of curiosity will always be at the forefront and they will experience a process in which they have active participation. Our main goal in our project is to diversify education by adding innovations to the educational environment within the framework of the curriculum given to us, to differentiate the educational process, to create historical awareness in children and to create awareness about this issue.
Created on
23 members
National Quality Label


Türkiye(9), Greece(8), Romania(5), Poland(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Vocational subjects of teaching: