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European School Education Platform
„The importance of aesthetic education through the prism of various curricular areas”

„The importance of aesthetic education”

Aesthetic education, as a side of education, fulfills multiple educational functions, exerting a multilateral action on the development of personality, aiming at the development of the ability to perceive and correctly understand the beautiful in reality, the formation of aesthetic consciousness, taste and aesthetic sense, understanding the need and offering the possibility of to participate in the creation of beauty in art and in life. The positive effects of aesthetic education aim at the quality of the socialization process of children, the development of skills in the socio-moral sphere, the intellectual, affective, motivational, volitional and creative development, the pleasant and efficient organization of free time by stimulating initiatives in the practice of arts. Aesthetic education is the one that leads him to achieve a balance between the forces of imagination and those of action, between dream and reality, between the aspirations of the ego and the acceptance of reality, between the duties towards oneself and those towards one's peers.
Created on
33 members
National Quality Label


Romania(19), Türkiye(5), Republic of Moldova(4), Greece(2), France(1), Armenia(1), Albania(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Subjects of teaching: