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European School Education Platform
Music ennobles us, makes us happy and unites us. Enjoy every new day singing, happy and energetic.

We grow with music

Students will introduce themselves at the beginning and create logos. Through activities during work, they will become aware of the difference between meter and rhythm, and perform music by singing, playing, and moving. They will attend events, listen to music, monitor and record the atmosphere and other musically expressive components, express and become aware of emotions while listening to and performing music, analyze and self-evaluate their work and participate in peer evaluation. They will get to know the types of music, participate in webinars, and exchange experiences with their peers. They will create and improvise melodic and rhythmic units and get to know the roles of music. They will compare opinions and impressions and monitor their work and progress. They will create songs and perform them. Students will get to know European cultural heritage through the exchange of experiences. They will improve emotional, communication, digital and intercultural competencies.
Created on
40 members


Croatia(10), Türkiye(8), Greece(7), Romania(3), Italy(2), Poland(2), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Albania(1), Ukraine(1), Armenia(1), Spain(1), Serbia(1)
Age range: