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European School Education Platform

Climate Mates

Climate change is one the the most important problems of the World, where all the living creatures live. Scientific research states that all the living creatures will be affected dramatically due to climate change in the near future. The solution of this problem is public awareness. Besides, by raising eco-friendly children who are sensitive to the nature, we should save our planet, which is both the aim of this project and corresponds to our curricula. In our project, in order to raise awareness, activities and studies about the reasons of climate change, the possible events resulting from climate change and the precautions against climate change will be conducted. Activities and studies about the precautionary measures against climate change like the use of renewable energy, saving energy and preventing deforestation will also be conducted by using web2.0 tools. The activities and studies that will be carried out throughout the project are research on climate change, drawing pictures, creating tables, doing experiments, preparing caricatures and mind maps, digital games, ecological literacy, modeling renewable energy sources by using recyclable materials, composing songs, preparing digital books and singing songs. In order to observe the efficiency of the project, students’ success in climate change will be evaluated by conducting pre and post tests.
Created on
16 members
National Quality Label
European Quality Label


Türkiye(10), Portugal(4), Spain(2)
Age range: