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European School Education Platform

Keep it green! Keep it clean! Sa mentinem planeta verde! S-o mentinem curata!

The project is a partnership between many schools and it is addressed both primary and gymnasium students. The project is proposing the education and awareness of the climate changes and the responsibility of the students for developing a protective behavior and support of the ecologic actions in order to keep our planet green and clean. The students will collaborate through information, recognition, implication and appliance activities in order to find solutions regarding the four ecosystems: soil, water, air and living creatures/plants. The project is meant to develop adequate competencies for protecting and supporting a green and clean environment. Proiectul este un parteneriat intre mai multe scoli si se adreseaza atat scolarilor din ciclul primar cat si gimnazial. Proiectul isi propune educarea si constientizarea schimbarilor climatice si responsabilizarea pentru dezvoltarea unui comportament de protejare si sustinere a actiunilor ecologice pentru pastrarea planetei curate si verzi. Elevii vor colabora in activitati de informare, recunoastere, implicare si aplicare pentru gasirea unor solutii privind cele patru ecosisteme ale planetei noastre: sol, apa, aer, vietuitoare/plante. Prin acest proiect ne propunem să dezvoltăm competențe adecvate pentru ocrotirea și sustenerea unui mediu verde si curat.
Created on
24 members
National Quality Label
European Quality Label


Romania(8), Türkiye(8), Greece(2), Italy(2), Albania(1), Republic of Moldova(1), Azerbaijan(1), Croatia(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: