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European School Education Platform

ICT - Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) for communication

ICT literacy in general, and mastering virtual communication tools in particular, contribute to pedagogical innovation. This will hopefully bring about an improvement in the teaching and learning processes which will have a direct effect on pupils’ learning experiences. With ICT, the amount of information available is multiplied, as is the ability to produce and disseminate materials. In addition, interactivity lends itself to online communication environments, such as virtual communities, collaboration teams, etc. that can help transform education. Virtual communication empowers pupils to look for information, classify it, discern, comment and give opinions on it, to make comparative decisions and to make their voice heard.
Created on
16 members


Portugal(12), Germany(1), Romania(1), Türkiye(1), Spain(1)
Age range:
up to 3