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European School Education Platform

Creating SPACES for Creativity

Project "Creating spaces for creativity - SPACES" is implemented by a cross-sectoral consortium. The leader is Foundation of Education Development SPATIA (NGO,Poland). The project aims to contribute to the use of innovative tools and novel didactic methods in education (formal and informal), thus improving its overall quality and relevance. The aim of the consortium is also to develop international recommendations and solutions that will contribute to a permanent increase in the skills of independent, reflective and creative thinking among young people (secondary school students), who will soon enter the labor market and will face the choice of a career path. It will be possible thanks to supporting educators and youth workers in using the tools and methods of creative learning. The project assumes that the created course will be universal, and the results of intellectual work will be available in English and in the partners' national languages.
Created on
9 members


Poland(6), Türkiye(1), Portugal(1), Ireland(1)
Age range: