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European School Education Platform

eTwinning School Label

Schools which are awarded the eTwinning School Label are great examples of how the whole school can benefit from eTwinning. They are active in implementing and promoting the eTwinning values and pedagogy, are a point of reference for their local community and represent a model for other schools.
eTwinning School

What is the eTwinning School Label?

eTwinning Schools embed the values of eTwinning in the school’s policies, practice and professional development with the support of the school’s management.

With the eTwinning School Label, eTwinning recognises and appraises the involvement, commitment and dedication not only of individual eTwinners, but of the whole school, where teams of teachers and school leaders work together.

Schools which are awarded the Label are ready and willing to engage in a developmental journey with activities that can be objectively assessed.

The eTwinning School mission is the compass of all eTwinning Schools. The mission emphasises elements such as:

  • Shared leadership
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Students’ agency
  • Inclusion and innovation
  • Being a role model for other schools.

What are the benefits?

eTwinning Schools:

  • Are officially recognised at European level as role models for eTwinning and form a network of leading schools to inspire the future development of the action. All eTwinning Schools receive the eTwinning School Kit including a plaque and a flag.
  • Have high visibility at European level and are encouraged to display their eTwinning School Label in promotional and information materials.
  • Are encouraged to participate in dedicated professional development programmes. 
  • Are part of a special  eTwinning Group to share good practices, collaborate and attend exclusive online events.

How can schools get the eTwinning School Label?

The process for obtaining the eTwinning School Label has two stages.

Stage one

eTwinning will pre-select all schools which:

  • have been registered in eTwinning for more than two years 
  • have at least three teachers who have been involved in eTwinning projects, professional development or other eTwinning activities in the last two years
  • were involved in at least one eTwinning European project which was awarded a National Quality Label within the two years before application date.

If a school fulfils these requirements, all registered eTwinners in the school receive by email an invitation to complete an application form through the European School Education Platform.

Stage two

Applicants must complete an application form to describe how their school designs, implements and plans activities related to the eTwinning School Mission: in doing so some evidence must also be provided.

NSO will evaluate each application by analysing both the description and the evidence provided and assessing schools’ activities and potential.

If they have been rejected by the NSO, applications can be resubmitted – with better descriptions and evidence – until the deadline. 

The exact timeframe for the submission and evaluation periods is published on the platform a few weeks before the application procedure is launched. 

How to apply

  • The school’s principal and colleagues engaged in eTwinning should be involved in drafting the application.
  • The applicants must answer all the questions in the application form and provide evidence when requested.
  • A preliminary question is related to the e-safety policy in the school, where the applicants are requested to provide evidence. 
  • The other questions include a set of statements for each of the elements of the eTwinning School Mission. Applicants must describe how their school implements them and provide evidence.
  • For each mission statement the applicants will be also asked to describe what the school plans to do in the next two years in the event that the eTwinning School Label is obtained. 
  • The application should be complemented by a declaration duly signed by the school’s principal.
  • Applications must be submitted or resubmitted before the deadline. 
  • Submitted applications are reviewed by the National Support Organisation. In the event of rejection applicants may resubmit their application with further details until the deadline.

eTwinning School label application guidelines


  • Each school should decide who will submit the application via eTwinning Live. Only one application per school will be accepted.
  • The form does not have to be completed in one session and may be saved in draft form. Click on the submit button only when you have completed the form.

The list of the schools awarded the eTwinning School Label will be published at the beginning of each year.