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European School Education Platform

Közbigyó Project: fostering collaboration in education

Közbigyó, translated as ‘Common Thingy’, is a grass-roots initiative that focuses on collaboration among parents, students and teachers.
Közbigyó Project

Initiated in 2017 by supportive parents along with enthusiastic and active teachers at Bókay Árpád Primary School in Budapest, Közbigyó involved over 270 students and 65 parent mentors in its first round of projects. Since then, it has become a semi-annual tradition in numerous schools (6-week events in the fall and spring), often linked with events like Digital Theme Week.

The name Közbigyó reflects the concept of project-based education to foster inner motivation, where pupils undertake voluntarily chosen, practical tasks of their free interest (not necessarily or directly related to any specific school subject) within a creative process. Pupils form groups of 4-5, each guided by a mentor parent, to initiate, plan, follow through, evaluate and celebrate their projects. These projects are then presented to peers, parents and teachers, thereby empowering children with leadership and autonomy, and allowing them to explore their interests and strengths, and experience success.

Közbigyó supports schools in nurturing children who will grow into cooperative and successful adults. The project’s mission is to install a love for learning in children and equip them to take ownership of their lifelong learning journey.


Further reading

Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Evidence:
  • Funding source:
    Local funding; National governement; Private funding; No funding
  • Intervention level:
  • Intervention intensity:
  • Participating countries:
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
    Not-for-profit / NGO staff
    Parent / Guardian
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)