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European School Education Platform
eTwinning publication

Pedagogical Advisory Group reports

Reflections on eTwinning
cover of Reflections on eTwinning

September 2006

Collaboration and eTwinning - enrichment and added value of eTwinning projects

Collaboration is an important factor in the scope of school development since it gives more space for independent and self-responsible learning. Collaborative learning is a method for changing organisational, pedagogical and individual processes. Consequently, like all changes when starting collaborative working it will take more time in the early stages.


October 2006

Pedagogical issues in eTwinning

Partnering with another school in Europe is a real challenge. It is not easy to find the right content for a project based on mutual tangential planes; to develop collaborative classroom activities; to manage the process project; to evaluate it; and to stay motivated (because there is always a fallback after doing these things for the second or third time). So it is important to have a very clear view of the objectives and getting the pedagogical models right for any eTwinning project.


February 2007

Cultural understanding and integration professional development

This paper addresses the important theme of intercultural understanding and cultural integration of European children and their teachers. The eTwinning project is one of a number of educational initiatives that can contribute to this theme through small steps to educate future European Citizens and help European teachers to incorporate cultural understanding and integration in their teaching.

Additional information

  • Evidence:
  • Funding source:
    Erasmus+ programme
  • Intervention level:
  • Intervention intensity:
  • Published by:
    European Union
  • Year of publication: