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European School Education Platform
eTwinning publication

eTwinning in the classroom: A showcase of good practice (2008-2009)

Each school partner in an eTwinning project has a unique story to tell: that is why the decision was made to focus this year’s eTwinning report on individual schools involved in active eTwinning projects.
cover eTwinning in the classroom

Each school partner in an eTwinning project has a unique story to tell: that is why the decision was made to focus this year’s eTwinning report on individual schools involved in active eTwinning projects. Close attention to the practices and experiences of the schools studied illustrates the important connection that lies between innovative applications of technology, a programmatic approach, professional teacher development, ongoing support from both NSS and CSS teams, and successful project outcomes. According to this investigation, twenty-six of the thirty-one schools studied expect to seek further partnerships through eTwinning, while twenty-two are already involved in second or third projects. In addition, a number of schools reported that they were using eTwinning to either prepare for, or follow-through on, other Comenius activities such as a Comenius Partnership project.

Additional information

  • Evidence:
  • Funding source:
    Erasmus+ programme
  • Intervention level:
  • Intervention intensity:
  • Published by:
    European Union
  • Year of publication: