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European School Education Platform
eTwinning publication

eTwinning 2.0: Building the community for schools in Europe

eTwinning has helped to anchor European collaboration as a permanent feature of school life
cover etwinning 2.0

eTwinning has helped to anchor European collaboration as a permanent feature of school life. Rather than providing funding to outstanding selected projects, it creates the conditions for teachers to meet across Europe, agree on the way they can collaborate with each other and start their own projects when and as they want, with the minimum of administration. The European eTwinning platform ( is a meeting point for all teachers interested in European collaboration. It provides them with project ideas, advice and support for working with their peers and with their pupils across Europe in a secure online environment. It gives them the opportunity to share their teaching resources and to showcase their good practice. National Support Services offer them concrete support and advice.

Additional information

  • Evidence:
  • Funding source:
    Erasmus+ programme
  • Intervention level:
  • Intervention intensity:
  • Published by:
    European Union
  • Year of publication: