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Wellbeing and resilience in schools

We took a closer look at the topic of wellbeing and resilience in schools, both for teachers and learners, and its importance in creating happy learning environments.
Smiling teacher in classroom with pupils in the background
GrumpyBeere / Pixabay

Analysis and guidelines

In May, the School Education Platform team explored the issues affecting wellbeing in schools. Analysis of the latest PISA results indicated that feeling safe at school can significantly improve pupils’ personal wellbeing and learning outcomes. This is also supported by recent European guidelines on wellbeing for schools.

A sense of belonging and safety at school: PISA 2022 insights

European Commission guidelines on wellbeing and mental health at school

Boosting pupil wellbeing

Close home-school collaboration also plays an important role in developing pupils’ self-esteem and wellbeing, especially for children in migrant families or children with special educational needs. We looked at how sport can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote social inclusion. And we also explored the issue of children’s digital wellbeing. By fostering positive engagement and inclusion, pupils can feel empowered and safe in online environments.

Boosting pupil wellbeing through home-school collaboration

Strengthening resilience in inclusive learning

The importance of sport for wellbeing

The role of digital education in promoting young people’s digital wellbeing and strengthening their resilience

Expert views

In our expert article, Anastassios Matsopoulos, from the University of Crete, highlighted how it is crucial to care for the wellbeing of teachers, so that they are able to support learners. We also spoke to Arniika Kuusisto from the University of Helsinki on the development of worldview, values and resilience in early childhood, as a way to support childrens’ wellbeing.

Caring for those who care for our children: the resilience and wellbeing of educators (expert article)

Education Talks: Developing values, worldview and resilience through early childhood education


There are many more examples of projects looking at emotional resilience and wellbeing in our practice article. And our tutorial takes a closer look at the power of creativity in learning for mental health.  

Building emotional resilience and wellbeing in education

Creativity in learning enriches wellbeing

Webinars on wellbeing themes

Finally, you can watch recordings of our recent webinars on preventing cyberbullying, promoting outdoor education, and wellbeing for improved learning outcomes.  

European Commission webinar on understanding, preventing and responding to cyberbullying

European Commission webinar on outdoor education: Learning beyond the classroom

European Commission webinar on promoting wellbeing for improved learning outcomes

European Commission webinar on multidimensional issues of school bullying prevention

Additional information

  • Target audience ISCED:
    Early childhood education (ISCED 0)
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
    Post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 4)