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Tune in: New podcast episode on developing students’ digital competences

The ‘Teachers of Europe’ podcast is back, with a new episode on developing students’ digital competences. Tune in to learn how educators can equip their students with essential digital skills so they can thrive in today’s world.
Teachers of Europe podcast logo

In our rapidly evolving, tech-driven society, it is more important than ever to ensure that students develop robust digital competences. In this fifth episode, host Benjamin Hertz welcomes teachers Stavroula Skiada (Greece) and Edward Alvar Lockhart Domeño (Spain) for an engaging discussion about strategies to develop students’ digital competences.

This episode offers valuable insights and inspiration from two educators sharing their experiences in different parts of Europe. Stavroula and Edward discuss the challenges teachers face in cultivating students’ digital skills in their classrooms, and provide practical tips to help students become proficient and confident users of digital technologies.

You can find all episodes of the podcast on the EU Academy Platform, as well as on popular podcast apps such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Simply search for ‘Teachers of Europe’!



Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)