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European School Education Platform
News item

Shaping European identity through history education

A European dimension in history education helps foster European values and citizenship.
EU flag flying in front of a building
lastfurianec / Adobe Stock

Exploring the concept of the European Dimension


The European Dimension (ED) concept initially focused on fostering closer relations between the educational systems of different European countries. It has since evolved to encompass broader objectives, including the promotion of pupil exchanges, language teaching, international schools, teacher training and teacher mobility.

The ED covers three distinct ideas: education in Europe, education about Europe and education for Europe. This multifaceted approach underscores the importance of integrating European perspectives into educational practices across disciplines.


History teaching and the European Dimension


Based on the core principles of the ED, the European Dimension in History Teaching (EDiHT) aims to create and develop a sense of European identity among students. It does so by emphasising Europe’s political, social, economic and cultural knowledge, alongside the values of humanism, democracy and tolerance.

The European Association of History Educators (EuroClio) sees the EDiHT as vital for nurturing a European historical consciousness and promoting peace and democracy.

The EDiHT aims to:

  • eliminate bias and prejudice from history teaching;
  • reconcile the conflicts and disagreements between European countries by emphasising their historical unity and diversity;
  • reflect political, social, economic, cultural and intellectual dimensions of history from various perspectives to represent Europe's multiculturalism;
  • develop students’ skills in analysing historical documents and in questioning and recognising diverse perspectives.


Safeguarding history education


The Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) was established in 2020 under the Council of Europe to support both the development of history teaching in European countries and the EDiHT.

By fostering a deeper understanding of European history and values, teaching the EDiHT equips learners with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to a more cohesive and inclusive European community.


Further reading

Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
    Government staff / policy maker
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)