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European School Education Platform
News item

How eTwinning connects primary education teachers

eTwinners from Spain and Türkiye explain how eTwinning makes them part of a European community of teachers.
teacher and students looking at maps
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Primary school pupils are naturally curious, and learn best through interactive, hands-on activities. eTwinning projects keep young learners engaged with art, storytelling and simple experiments. Collaborating with peers from different countries helps young pupils to create new friendships, improve their social skills, and better understand the world around them.


Connecting students across Europe


‘Our eTwinning experience is special because it allowed us to connect our students with peers from different countries, giving them a global perspective and a deeper understanding of various cultures.’

Mª Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal, Ramazan Kaya and Bircan Keleş

Through eTwinning, teachers can give life to interdisciplinary projects that motivate their pupils and help develop their digital and communication skills. The European School Education Platform supports these collaborative projects and encourages creativity, critical thinking and active citizenship.


Collaboration between teachers


‘One of the most rewarding aspects was the collaboration with other teachers.’

Through eTwinning, teachers share experiences and best practices with colleagues from other countries, which helps them improve their teaching methods. This collaboration also introduces them to new methodologies that address student learning and development.


Creativity and wellbeing


‘Our students were encouraged to express their creativity, use technology responsibly and lead healthy lifestyles.’

According to the teachers, eTwinning helps develop lifelong learning skills, autonomy and self-management. It can support pupils’ school success, and promotes mental and physical wellbeing at school.


Professional development


eTwinners have access to resources, training sessions, seminars and conferences that help them improve their teaching skills and knowledge. Collaborating with a network of passionate teachers across Europe offers them continuous learning and inspiration.


Role as ambassadors


Mentoring and supporting fellow teachers in their projects was the most rewarding.


Being an eTwinning ambassador allowed us to contribute to a global educational community, support and inspire fellow teachers, and continuously grow as educators.’

eTwinning ambassadors promote international collaboration and cultural exchange. They guide teachers through the platform, help them develop innovative projects and integrate digital tools into their practices. They also introduce future teachers to eTwinning activities by organising seminars at universities.


Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)