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News item

Call for position papers: Have your say about the Digital Education Action Plan 2021–2027

Find out how to submit your position paper!
Young people looking at a laptop
William Fortunato / Pexels

2024 marks the mid-point of the Digital Education Action Plan’s (2021–2027) implementation, Europe’s leading strategy for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education and training. With this in mind, the Commission has committed to undertake a comprehensive review of the Action Plan. The review serves two key objectives: to reflect on the Action Plan’s achievements; and to look forward, reflecting on lessons learned and setting new ambitions.

The review was officially kicked-off with the first stakeholder consultations on 29 April 2024 through the Digital Education Action Plan in Review event, held in Brussels and online. Consultations will continue throughout this year, reaching out to the education and training community, civil society, social partners, Member States and the business sector, including EdTech.

In addition to the consultations, the Commission has now launched a call for position papers to reflect on the impacts and achievements of the Action Plan thus far. Ideally, position papers provide input on the following guiding question:

In your experience and expertise with the Digital Education Action Plan, which actions/policy areas have been effective in achieving their objectives and which actions/policy areas should be strengthened in the next phase of its implementation? 

You are hereby warmly invited to submit a position paper. We kindly request that it does not exceed 1000 words and is submitted any time before the deadline (15 September 2024) via email to You can find more information here.

The results of the review will be presented in 2025 and will reflect on the lessons learned since the start of the implementation of the Action Plan, and present a renewed policy narrative and set of ambitions on digital education and skills.


Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)