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European School Education Platform
eTwinning validated

Kübra Ersan

I am Kübra Ersan. I am from Kırıkkale, Turkey. I am 31 years old and an English teacher at a vocational and technical High school for Girls. I studied American culture and literature at Başkent university in Ankara, which is the capital city of Turkey, from 2005 to 2010. During this time, i took courses about teaching English as a second language.ı worked in an English course for 4 years. ı have been working as an English teacher for the Turkish Ministry of national education since 2014. I am very much interested in drama, literature and history. My first aim is to encourage my students and find their own devices or techniques in learning English.As I work at a vocational high school, we have departments such as Food and Drinks, Child Development, Graphics and Photography, Clothing Manufacturing, Beauty and Hair Care. Therefore, I am open to make projects that are related to these departments.
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  • Interested in subject:
    Cross Curricular
    Foreign Languages
    History of Culture