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European School Education Platform
The image shows graphically one of the most critical steps for school planning.
Third-party on-site course

Strategic School Excellence: Innovation in Planning and Evaluation Methods

This training is for teaching staff and school leaders, focusing on theories and methods in school planning and evaluation. Explore quantitative and qualitative research approaches and gain competency-based didactic planning and assessment tools. This program blends theory with practical application, empowering participants to enhance educational practices.

Next upcoming session:
15.07.2024 - 20.07.2024
Italy , Lazio , Terracina
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This training program is designed for teaching staff and school leaders aiming to deepen their knowledge of planning and evaluation systems in educational contexts. The course covers quantitative and qualitative research approaches to understanding them comprehensively. The primary objective is to equip participants with essential tools, methodologies, and validation practices for effective school planning.   The training activities are structured to transfer practical know-how and develop skills necessary for setting up didactic planning and evaluation based on competencies. The program encompasses theoretical and practical sessions covering various school planning and evaluation aspects.   Key topics include an introduction to the school evaluation system, emphasising performance, indicators, and results. A practical example is presented using the Italian school system to illustrate these concepts. The training also explores methodologies and techniques for teaching planning, guiding participants on planning educational paths and interpreting information for evaluation and planning purposes.   Competency development and competency-based teaching are integral components, providing insights into identifying, building, and evaluating competencies. The program delves into qualitative and quantitative research methods, extending to observation, case studies, action research, and focus groups. These research methods are explored as tools to enhance school planning and evaluation.   Furthermore, the training covers the development of performance evidence and guiding participants in creating tools, strategies, and quality indicators. It also includes practical guidance on designing surveys and monitoring sheets/grids for effective assessment. In brief, the training aims to empower participants with a holistic understanding of planning and evaluation systems, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical skills for application in real-world educational settings.

Learning objectives

1. Technique Exploration Proficiency:
  • Explore various techniques for treating and interpreting information crucial for evaluation and planning in educational contexts, fostering a comprehensive skill set for effective decision-making.
2. Strategic School Management Implementation:
  • Deepen knowledge on implementing effective school management processes, ensuring participants can navigate and enhance organisational structures and practices.
3. Research Methodology Expansion:
  • Extend qualitative and quantitative research methods to enrich school planning and evaluation processes, including observation, case studies, action research, and focus groups.
4. Methodology and Techniques Application:
  • Exploit methodologies and techniques for teaching planning, empowering participants to design and implement educational plans strategically.
5. Performance Evidence Development Mastery:
  • Develop proficiency in creating performance evidence, encompassing tools, strategies, and quality indicators for robust assessment and planning in educational settings.
6. Structured Evaluation and Planning Simulation:
  • Navigate the evaluation and planning system through a structured process, using a simulation of school planning and evaluation approaches to apply acquired knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Methodology & assessment

This training employs a dynamic face-to-face methodology, emphasising group interactions through frontal lessons, brainstorming, hands-on learning, group collaboration, and simulations. Participants will gain foundational knowledge through structured lessons, generate creative ideas, apply theoretical concepts in practical exercises, collaborate on group activities, and simulate real-world school planning and evaluation scenarios. This multi-method approach ensures an immersive and comprehensive learning experience, enabling participants to understand theoretical frameworks and apply them effectively in educational contexts.

• Before the mobility, the participant will fill out an online questionnaire prepared by the hosting organisation to define the training needs.
• During the training, the participant will be monitored through peer reviews, simulation, completed tasks and projects, and consultations with the mentor/teaching staff at the hosting organisation.

Evaluation format
It includes knowledge assessments during the training through quizzes, practical exercises, collaborative projects, active in-class participation and peer feedback sessions. The evaluation format holistically assesses participants, evaluating theoretical understanding and practical application across various educational planning and evaluation facets.

Evaluation Criteria
• Demonstrated grasp of key concepts in educational planning, evaluation, and research methods.
• Applying learned principles successfully in real-world scenarios, including hands-on exercises and simulations.
• Application of acquired knowledge in strategic school management, research competence, competency-based teaching, and the development of performance evidence.

Final Assessment
The participants are expected to design and draw up the first draft of an evaluation plan or one evaluation tool, and a multiple-choice test on the topics addressed is administered.

Certification details

The Hosting Organisation implements the recognition procedure for the training contents delivered and achieved. Successfully overcame the evaluation procedure before, during, and at the end of the training, the participants will receive an attendance certificate including detailed information about the course, e.g. title, program, and schedule by the hosting provider. Besides, a Europass Mobility Certificate is added on request of the sending organisation.

Pricing, packages and other information

  • Price:
  • Package contents:

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
  • Target audience type:
    Careers Counsellor
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Learning time:
    25 hours or more

Upcoming sessions

  • Starting on 15.07.2024 - Ending on 20.07.2024


    , Italy
  • Starting on 18.11.2024 - Ending on 23.11.2024


    , Italy
  • Starting on 03.02.2025 - Ending on 08.02.2025


    , Italy
  • Starting on 14.07.2025 - Ending on 19.07.2025


    , Italy
  • Starting on 17.11.2025 - Ending on 22.11.2025


    , Italy
  • Starting on 09.02.2026 - Ending on 14.02.2026


    , Italy
  • Starting on 20.07.2026 - Ending on 25.07.2026


    , Italy
  • Starting on 23.11.2026 - Ending on 28.11.2026


    , Italy
  • Starting on 08.02.2027 - Ending on 13.02.2027


    , Italy
  • Starting on 19.07.2027 - Ending on 24.07.2027


    , Italy
  • Starting on 22.11.2027 - Ending on 27.11.2027


    , Italy

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