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European School Education Platform
Mindfulness in Education
Third-party on-site course

Mindfulness in Education

The Mindfulness in education Course is a transformative journey for educators, teachers, and education professional who wish to incorporate mindfulness practices into the learning environment. Participants will learn fundamental mindfulness concepts and valuable techniques to enhance concentration, reduce stress, and foster empathy in the classroom. The course includes meditation practices, mindfu

Next upcoming session:
14.07.2024 - 20.07.2024
Portugal , Norte , Porto
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Course Program:   Day 1: Sunday – Welcoming • Course presentation and training objectives. • Individual orientation and information about the venue and country • Round up presentation and networking between all participants.   Day 2: Monday - Introduction to Mindfulness and Basic Practices • Course presentation and training objectives. • Definition of mindfulness and its benefits in education. • Mindfulness practices for educators: breathing meditation and mindful body awareness. • Exploration of the senses: mindfulness practices in the present moment.   Day 3: Tuesday - Mindfulness for Educators • Identifying and understanding emotions. • Emotional self-regulation techniques with mindfulness. • Developing conscious communication skills and empathy. • Establishing daily mindfulness practices for educators.   Day 4: Wednesday - Mindfulness in Communication and the Classroom • Conscious and nonviolent communication. • Practices of active listening and empathy. • Integrating mindfulness into the school curriculum. • Mindfulness practices to enhance students' concentration.   Day 5: Thursday - Cultivating a Mindfulness Culture in School • Implementation of mindfulness practices throughout the school community. • Fostering mindful awareness in the entire school community. • Developing strategies to create a welcoming and compassionate learning environment. • Group discussions on implementing mindfulness in the school.   Day 6: Friday - Mindfulness and Student Well-being • Mindfulness techniques for reducing anxiety in students. • Teaching emotional self-regulation practices to students. • Cultivating emotional resilience in the classroom. • Final reflection and conclusion of the training.   Day 7: Saturday - Conclusion • Course evaluation. • Releasing official course certifications. • Participants departure.   Cultural visits will be also part of the program.

Learning objectives

  1. Develop Mindfulness Practice: Empower participants to cultivate their own daily mindfulness practices, promoting emotional self-regulation, mindfulness, and self-care.
  2. Stress Reduction: Assist educators in coping with stress and pressures in the educational environment, improving overall well-being and mental health.
  3. Enhance Concentration and Attention: Enable educators to improve their ability to concentrate, focus, and be fully present, resulting in greater efficiency in daily activities.
  4. Foster Empathy and Compassion: Provide tools to cultivate empathy and compassion for students, colleagues, and the school community, strengthening interpersonal relationships.
  5. Improve Communication Skills: Learn to actively listen and respond with calmness and empathy, facilitating effective communication between educators and students.
  6. Cultivate Emotional Resilience: Empower educators to cope with challenges and setbacks in a more balanced manner, developing greater emotional resilience.
  7. Create a Welcoming Learning Environment: Develop strategies to establish a positive, inclusive, and welcoming learning environment where students feel safe and supported.
  8. Enhance Classroom Management: Learn to use mindfulness practices to promote positive discipline and efficient classroom management.
  9. Incorporate Mindfulness in the Curriculum: Explore ways to integrate mindfulness practices into the curriculum, enriching students' learning experiences.
  10. Strengthen Students' Self-Regulation: Empower educators to teach mindfulness skills to students, so they can manage their emotions and behaviors in a healthier way.
  11. Promote Overall Student Well-Being: Develop age-appropriate mindfulness practices to help students cope with stress, anxiety, and increase their resilience.
  12. Foster Self-Reflection: Encourage educators to engage in regular self-reflection to improve their teaching practices and enhance their approach with students.

Methodology & assessment

The Mindfulness id education course is structured around a foundational theoretical aspect and, more importantly, a practical component designed to implement and delve deeper into the concepts discussed. Throughout the week, the course will concentrate on three primary areas of focus: self-awareness and emotional management, fostering empathy and values within school relationships, and motivating achievement. Additionally, the course emphasizes preventing contemporary school issues such as violence, bullying, a dearth of values, motivation, assertiveness, goal-setting challenges, frustration, and emotional distress, all of which impact mood, social conduct, and learning. Given the fundamental importance of positive coexistence in schools, each day of the course will emphasize meditation and emotional education.

Our seasoned trainer will facilitate and encourage networking and collaboration among participants. We arrange networking sessions and cultural activities to provide attendees with the chance to share best practices, forge professional collaborations, and establish connections. These activities involve not only course participants but also individuals from other company-affiliated courses. The training program has been meticulously crafted to enable participants to transfer knowledge and cultivate essential skills required to conceive and manage a successful proposal.

Certification details

The course will provide the participants an attendance certificate including the detailed information about the course, e.g. title, programme and schedule. 

Pricing, packages and other information

  • Price:
  • Package contents:

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
  • Target audience type:
  • Learning time:
    25 hours or more

Upcoming sessions

  • Starting on 14.07.2024 - Ending on 20.07.2024


    , Portugal


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